Welcome Message


Posted on : 13:01 | By : Unknown

MI Congratulación TOWARDS WOMEN OF THE WORLD IN YOUR DI Held yesterday at the "International Women's Day, the voices are left to hear about them everywhere, as if only an exclusive day to analyze the shadows in which women moved from the end of matriarchy. The women of the city, most have not much to complain about, at least from poverty but that is a subject that concerns in the millions, but maybe not a bad deal in the extreme, as the woman who was object there in the beginning and until the late twentieth century. Women now enjoy legal privileges superior to those of men today, men and women are mistreated by, it is clear that the fading machismo, which already carry the memory alone, we can submit abuse complaint family and how are you things, perhaps not appropriate legally speaking. Anyway, my very great appreciation to all those ladies on the field, selfless women, those who do not wait a fortnight to come true the Epistle of Melchor Ocampo, which literally says: "This is the only moral founding family to conserve the species and individuals fill the imperfections that can not self-sufficient to reach the perfection of mankind. This does not exist in the person alone but in the duality of marriage. Married people must and will be sacred to each other, even more than it is every man for himself. The man whose sexual talents are mainly the courage and strength, should give and give women protection, nourishment and direction, always treating her like the most delicate, sensitive and self-thin and with magnanimity and generous benevolence that the strong due to the weak, essentially when it comes to him weak and when society is entrusted. The woman whose main attributes are, devotion, beauty, compassion, insight and tenderness, should give and give obedience to the husband, welcome assistance, comfort and guidance, always treating him with the veneration that is due to give the person that supports and defends us and with the finesse of someone who does not want to exasperate the abrupt irritable and hard part of himself. The one and the other are due and will respect, difference, faith, trust and tenderness, and both ensure that what the one did not expect the other to join him will not disproved by the union. Both should be prudent and minimize its shortcomings. Never say injuries because the injuries between dishonor the married and evidence that sheds his lack of tact or wisdom in the election, much less work because it is reviled villain and coward excessive force. Both should be prepared with the study and friendly mutual correction of their defects to the supreme magistracy of parents, so that when they come to be, their children find a good example in conduct and serve as a model. The doctrine that inspire and loved these tender ties of affection will be prosperous or adverse fortune and happiness or unhappiness of the children will be the reward or punishment, the happiness or unhappiness of the parents. Blesses society, believes and praise for good parents for the great good that make it good and giving people compliments and the same censorship and despises it properly due to neglect, misplaced affection for, or by their bad example, corrupting nature sacred trust entrusted by giving those children. And when the company finally sees that such people do not deserve to be raised to the dignity of parents but have lived only be subject to guardianship, as incapable of behaving decently, it hurts having devoted his authority, the union of a man and a woman who have failed to be free and self-directed toward the good. " As you dear reader can see, in modern times, these words are beautiful phrases enclosed in gold children are moral incentives for inanimate objects, are honorable commandments cultivating ethics and values that endorse the mutual importance of women to man. They are phrases that modernity, globalization, have buried, now the law says otherwise, neither Fidelity nor obedience and less sex weak rouse our divorce laws but do not cultivate the marriage under the rules of Melchor Ocampo. To see if there is too much to ask: Is any of the Members who passed them domestic violence law had read the above letter? I really doubt it. LA PREPA ONE WAS THE BEST NOW THAT only vestiges remain; WORKERS ALLOWED Neither doubt. A few years ago to enter the Preparatory number one, was felt across the heavens, now it feels on the floor. The worst bastion of upper secondary education is now called High One I remember very well that in that school of luxury in other yesterdays, students were as a rule, "bald" or fleecing the new hires, students and second to Sixth, the rookies had to scamper to achieve and fulfill the promise. It was thus interesting, there burst a low huelgones mother, every time he fights and also had some tender moments every knowledge that other students left with their mouths open. High school and for all those who were in those yesterdays, maybe have to feel nostalgia for his former school, the prettiest, the football field, his students and his love affairs: the case is that it was a wonderful thing, but suddenly were born other education middle and today really is the worst, that is, the bastion of all students failed the other subsystems, as some mentors retired and nearing retirement tacitly accept it. As if there were not enough to discredit the institution has fallen, now its director Professor Exal René Díaz Palacios, has earned the repudiation of all employees except two or three acting in close and dark complicity. Now you have grown directorcillo the ruffles of the shirt and maybe for his "dotage" as Nicos say, began its phase of labor repression to a degree that has been exceeding its functions and has worked against a clear and comprehensive nonconformity, Professor Rana Diaz as they say, has taken to making some totally anti-academic activities to the mentors he has had no head or tail, the president of the parent company is seven years in office without having children studying in the institution and as he liked the bone, he chose to be false tutor students and all with the consent and agreement of the director. Then there are times and tie when you call for mentors, the director sends his house, and finally brings them faults, the shop steward of the campus, says that in many cases, the director comes off as a rancher and mothers lie against teachers, administrative and directing students as if cattle or horses take what many feel upset and insulted. The director cites struck him in establishing the office as is the case of the "Coordination of Artistic and Cultural Activities," which has been imposed by threats to the Academy, Professor Elvira Peña Roxana Coutino. Well this director does what you want and paste to tell the truth, it is urgent intervention by the education authorities, before the end with the only thing left for high school, the home of many students who now have excellent training. I think it is necessary not end up with renowned educational institutions and all to keep a director of yore and especially when it comes to a simple schoolteacher normal now humiliates and tramples on all the colleges and influential because it feels better or you have to tread very tail Secretary of Education and who knows what official action that is enough to drag on in office and feel omnipotent. Unfortunate .. Then we chat the day tomorrow. I hope you started on the right foot. Successes and good start to the week.

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