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Posted on : 9:52 | By : Unknown

IN SCLC: TOURISTS OR BEGGARS: SOPLON or drug addicts or both Every time I take a little stroll through San Cristobal de las Casas to see those narrow cobbled streets, braving the cold wind blowing and stroking the visitor, and restless to be more frequent these cafes and genuine flavor to prevail there in Chiapas land that the bloodthirsty Diego de Mazariegos wistfully contemplating his old home, every time I feel that, it looked to be contaminated with a bunch of gringos smelly, shaggy and wires on the tongue, ears, in the lips of the mouth and who knows what other kind of lips also, I prefer to return to enjoy the blazing heat of the Chiapas capital to see its beautiful, hot and fiery women who roam in sight of friends and strangers for each of its streets and avenues. But going back to "Coletolandia" and to pollute my sight with that kind of pernicious foreign people always ask a question: is that this is the kind of tourists who sent us Obama and Chiapas entrepreneurs in the hospitality industry and restaurateur want? In all honesty, those marauding mecos filthy old churches of San Cristobal, and do not know whether they are tourists or beggars, for in the first place just a few of those sleeping in hotels further category and others sleep in the house of "friends that have the same flaw"; than enough fingers to count that are cheaper tasting a dish in some restaurants and most third eats tacos at La Merced market and then some, to be fed with corn and mushrooms that surely they must meet any need addictive. We do not know if they are spies for the CIA or spies or researchers are incompetent, as in this case "dog does not eat dog", ie a drug addict can not and should report to another drug addict and Deplano, CIA spies Deplano discarded by their pitiful economic condition in which they are seen. On several occasions I have seen many who actually are selling trinkets, making competition for the Indians of that area, so I feel that this type of people who really give a bad appearance in public, both men and women. I understand that a lot of undesirable aliens, have to permit doctors to use drugs that is even more catastrophic, as in Mexico, smoking prescription drugs is a crime and no matter what they do in front of children and people of modesty, I feel and maybe my opinion is shared by many fellow foreigners worthy than those drug addicts should be thrown out as soon as possible of the country and to be smoking that crap to their land but do not give a bad example in our beloved homeland and especially in Chiapas, where the consumption of this "shit" is considerable. So there we leave the task to the immigration authorities and health to do their work and do not take our State as a place of freedom for drug use, even by prescription. THE police checkpoint at the entrances of Tuxtla, CLOWNS ARE HUGE My criticism of the start underlain by a question that is Have you dear reader aware of a serious blow to drug trafficking or arms dealers made in any of these seals on the entrance of Tuxtla? Like, me neither and I do not think there is some moron who comes to mind as "brilliant" idea of trying to pass a truck full of drugs, knowing that there are cops, I have not heard from some idiot that you want throw a spark of luck to pass drugs or weapons on the idea that sometimes checked and others not. The case is to install a police checkpoint as they are located everywhere in the vicinity to access capital or antics are enormous and should be "congratulations" to the "brain" that occurred to him as "brilliant" and supremely stupid idea. What really makes these cops that are located in these checkpoints violate the law, because usurping functions repeatedly asking drivers to "teach them your license, your placard, vehicle documents and other things, such as q1ue once you have your driver's license in hand, there are still some stupid cops Olympian who require the driver a voting card to sustain the legality of the identity of who they are "scale." Sometimes I have seen some agents miserable point the gun barrel, ie the rompleflamas his gun at the driver or his family and that really, the governor or whoever's in charge of the Janissaries, avoid, is as risky the weapon in the hands of professionals and no longer in the hands of police officers say they feel they have come handy with a course of a month in the handling of weapons. It is sad that in a state like ours, which is not the safest but neither is the fertile ground of organized crime, and cowed citizens, especially in the treatment of the ill-fated police give citizenship and mostly in these days where there will surely be the visit of honorable people, that it truly comes to spending their good money, not like the gringos druggies San Cristobal, honorable guests to be courteous treatment for them to feel that Chiapas is not a wild land and take off that asshole idea, that here, yet we walk in Chiapas loincloth. Do not you think? CHAROLA IN HAND WITH CALL ON RICH "Mocha" for political campaigns Many rich men of average or poor entrepreneurs who are putting faces to the agreements of chicken products that occurred in the sense that they must cooperate to cover the cost of some candidates and campaign poderlos well bring to power by promising that once the candidate come to power "helped" you can collect the sales, either by paying the rent of houses, giving juicy stakes in some work. They criticize entrepreneurs behind these "candidate" saying these "oxen or cows," not spend a single dollar from his pocket and go, be a candidate and is a true blessing from God. Do you know who they are?, Just ask your employer to a trust and will likely have the answer. By the way, and unless there is an agreement contrary to already established, there were wins for advancement PAN coalition will be Tapachula, SCLC, Comitan and possibly within the city, other municipalities will be mostly for the Institutional Revolutionary Party, the councils, will repeat the dose that was made for federal deputies, but you hand out 40 out of four. JOKES AGAINST STRESS Doctor, I've come to prescribe pills to prevent pregnancy. "But, ma'am ... you have 75 years, how do you expect to become pregnant? "No, doctor, that's not why it is that the pills help me sleep peacefully. - Really? Do you sleep better with the pill? - Sure, doctor! The pills my granddaughter put them fifteen years in the coca-cola without her account, and you do not see how calm I sleep all night ... We will be chatting in the next edition and happy holiday. We the real journalists do us harm holidays.

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