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Posted on : 8:15 | By : Unknown

QUEEEE! Water tax, does not stain.
It turns out that within magnificence of the director of the National Water Commission, Jose Luis Luege Tamargo, and in one of his "brilliant" ideas occurred to him to propose that within the fiscal reforms he implemented a tax on drinking water supply throughout the country. I would not so much the water supply, but to whoever has the misfortune or bad luck of having registered a shot, but you do not receive water, as often happens in thousands and thousands of villages where the faucets are like a failure luxury of the authorities. The incident of the curse PAN said literally to national media that "now discusses the tax reform in Mexico is desirable to apply a tax on water and forestry," little one "that does not reach 1% to stimulate the development of sustainable basis "To make matters worse, the lord of the ideas diabolical He continued," in future rates must be considered in addition to the direct cost for the service, the water treatment and also to assist in the reforestation ago CONAFOR. Luege Tamargo was clear in reporting that his idea is reinforced by his boss Felipe Calderón. Remember, so we put the tax vehicle in 1968, little by little we were "jamming" until they could be plugged into a 100% and now it gets colored ant. The truth is that the government of the PAN seem to want or yearn to establish in Mexico a slavery or servitude modernity, where the "leaders" have sueldazos insulting to the millions of starving people who now seeks to make us pay the water never comes. Well, at least in Tuxtla, Mexico City residents can afford to say that they have water 24 hours a day or second second this year completito, but it is the capital city, but how about hundreds of thousands of sites and including the D: F and the State of Mexico, where people have to wait for weeks for them drip and no jets in them would be unfair and even unfortunate tasarles a tax and not just consumption but the fee is imposed, destination or not water. So the sinister idea of Mr. Caféamargo be discarded Deplano by notoriously ineffective or inappropriate, as we are told the judges to lawyers in rejecting a defense wrong. Further details of specialists are made known only to produce a liter of beer will require 30 of water, while each of milk takes a thousand. It makes known that until 2008, firms in the beverage industry, bottled water and beer had a total grant of 122 million 908 thousand 506 meters cubic of fluid per year, representing a sum brutal water compared with that consumed by marginalized groups in Mexico City. Now if you notice, to which the water tax referred to must then apply to these pools but never to the poor that sometimes when there is no food in water quench your appetite food., STILL OF THE NAERG priests and CHUCHES PRD "We're not closed to dialogue, but there are conditions that are not negotiable. We can not sit down and talk with someone who has sued, "and said yesterday Hugo Valdemar Romero, spokesman for the archdiocese. Then this man already has the syndrome of "chimoltrufia" if but not, for in a first attempt to tell her not to refuse to talk but some things are not negotiable as it is to allow gay marriage. Whether repeatedly said that homosexuals are millions in Mexico and many are businessmen, politicians and officials of high hair that remain hidden in the closet but yearn for the freedoms that society and the church will not let them. Now Norberto Rivera Carrera, is brutish style Gabino Barrera because a group of gay, straightened out a lawsuit against the cardinal, of course, driven by militants of the PRD. Anyone who knows the laws could be said that the Cardinal is each time stirring church groups and as if little can be said that is making the apology of crime but as they have done and continue doing what they are given their gains, in spite reforms that legislators do, and that priests were worth a perfect cap, still put on their bows, saying that "if my demands are not talking to you and if I speak to you not accept that whatever you're doing." Should officials to reforms and point, as the state and its institutions should not be subject garbage as they like the priests, because if they have the ability to call, should raise awareness in the congregation including the deputies that much seen crossing themselves in churches or coordinating choruses as did Paco Rojas as a legislator and mayor of Tuxtla. Or do a little not my dear Paco? FAILURE THE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM FOR ADULTS 33.4 million Mexicans over 15 years of age are illiterate in Mexico, that says the owner of the INEA in Mexico Juan de Dios Castro. Good thing you could think to say that institutions in the country is located the largest number of illiterates otherwise, our beloved state has not been saved from being mentioned, because along with Guerrero, Oaxaca and Hidalgo are the quartet exact of miserable, as are the institutions where the revolution never came, and in spite Morelos is the birthplace of Emiliano Zapata. It is painful to say but in our Chiapas, considered by analysts as the entity's poorest country, has that factor in education and already said Gerardo Reyes in that song that nods to "the letters do not come when we are hungry" and not just the lyrics, because democracy has a VS called just hungry and so no matter which become thousand campaigns for literacy to the illiterate, everything will be useless if poverty is accentuated in our people, our countrymen by that little can be done and those who say "possibly because they have found" that the studies are worth mother in a country and entity miserable, then perhaps they have been touched to note how many graduates, engineers, doctors, teachers, etc. wander uselessly with the fucking title and professional certificate under his arm and nobody uses them: for this action and that anyone does faint intentions and good impulses, then why the hell I want to known or that I was nicknamed "licensed" if I have not a fucking weight to swallow some beans. In Chiapas, where the majority of illiterate, arguably the literacy program has failed and not because Juan Sabines not have driven, I think it was the governor who long has been concerned for at least the illiterate learn to read and so can look through the eyes of the intelligence, and that all persons who can not read or write, is like a blind man in a big city rife with automotive. Much careful MY DEAR Duvalin I was touched to see how three times the way some abusive drivers and lead anchor of those Lords of crest have driven the car over to the traffic police, better known as "The Duvalin. Some have been fought but not save the day before yesterday was an officer Veronica Hernandez Zuniga, who the truth by a hair frog and today we were buried. The Duvalin Deplano, many do not have character, I even saw the abuses of the lords of crest I have shouted "infracciónala. Unfortunately it seems they lack a common front with themselves and their peers tamarind, it is not fair that a person who is doing its job is dragged or thrust as has happened with some of those elements of which there are many honest and considered and there are a few eyelets abusive that perhaps have more tooth, do not trample or maybe because my friend Ruben Cruz Aguilera, gives patrols or motorcycle. OUR JOKE IS ON THE TORTOISE AND TORTILLAS Once upon a time at a party animal who came from all types of animals, when it went down to eat, they realized that there were no tortillas and said the lion king: merry, go for tortillas - and she responded: No which goes next. and then the lion said Hare, go for tortillas - and it said: No, I brought the appetizers. That goes the turtle, she did not put anything. Really turtle fumed the lion king - see you on the tortillas Yes - said the turtle and went tortillas. Two hours after the dog said Fuck! In that case I would have gone for the tortillas. Then said the eagle, if true, for the slow turtle, maybe I had gone I flew by them. So also said Kangaroo: No, because the truth that yes, I had gone to chilazo me it had been brought in my fanny pack and to bring them warm. And that the turtle peeks out the door and says pissed: GOOD CEROTE, IF STILL CHING, I will not .... Well, I if I cut away my column and I cut my therefore we am.

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