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Posted on : 13:40 | By : Unknown

Unfairly dismissed against police for not passing exams The President of the Security Committee in the Municipal Hall of San Cristobal de las Casas, Francisco Cordero Moreno, boasted, telling the media have dismissed more than 45 municipal police of the place, that have not adopted examinations consisting of a questionnaire of 500 questions (not revealing the lord over what issues were the questions, it is totally impossible to ask an individual with such academic stature on astrophysics, geophysics, research methodologies criminal forensics, criminal psychology, statistics , math and other subjects, as if they were studies probably would not be as simple sad or municipal police, and less than San Cristobal de las Casas), apart from psychological studies, psychometric, physical and vision. First one must ask, what is the monthly salary that the military have to require similar qualifications, as they lacked just ask a professional degree and master's degree, how old service, the conditions under which they were recruited among other otherwise things, the authorities would be trampled and muddy the little credibility they have labor laws in our poor Mexico. Really do not know under what criteria are being made happy examinations of approval or disapproval of the military but if criteria similar to those made to join the army we have, I feel that only two out of 10 municipal and state police could aspire to join for this work due to the following data: First, Mr. Francisco Cordero Moreno, I also disapprove of the way and fire him for the role, because to send is that you first learn obedience (golden rule in the Army that is noble and obey orders as best he knows that he will command obey). I do not think that this man is a military professional and less research, ie degree in police science. I feel that the rules applied to dismiss the police had to apply to new hires and not those who worked and therefore should have been dismissed for misconduct or matters not worthy but not because they have passed a test of 500 questions that either I think it had adopted the same examiner, as always happens rarely. Now, if we go to the area of psychology, God, this seems totally unfair, I do not think they are crazy in a corporation, because what if there are arrogant and pedantic but not mad enough to kill themselves, well they're not hired to be elements of the FBI, Interpol or AFI, but simply to be paraded through the streets with a stick in hand, drug traffickers will not stop terrorists but teporochitos nor, whores and Shorties for further category, these people are not prepares to make survival courses and to manage bazookas, machine guns and mortar fire grenades less modern, just in case they can ever trust a squad or gun 22 or 38 that is as simple as shooting them, neither will be provided with a galil , a G3, an AK47 or R15 FAL one, for even that, those last two weapons are the easiest and simple shoot so police should not be tightened up their quality of work. On the psychometric, again, the academic quality of police in Chiapas is meager, I do not think I'm wrong but in a thousand policemen, there may be some with professional studies and the majority, almost 90 percent, only has its primary . In terms of physical preparation, I believe that only the state police are concerned that are half full because of so much criticism that have been doing through the press, but really, in my licensed military character I that will be very few players that can handle running 10 kilometers with the entire team as in the Mexican army because they lack adequate preparation and less health care, it is estimated that 50% of all police in Chiapas have an overweight and that's serious. In terms of vision, are also exaggerating the authorities, since it is not fair not to look at an ant to 200 meters can be cause for rescinding his contract. And hopefully an injustice and does not broaden the measure against those in uniform who so far, are doing their utmost to preserve their jobs or source of employment. Bitter struggle OF THE CHURCH AND THE PAN against the PRD FOR GAY MARRIAGES And protection under the Interior Ministry chaired by Fernando Gomez Mont, Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera and his gang have launched a relentless campaign against the law which empowers gay marriage and ease that they can take. It seems that the church has run the arguments for continuing the attack but now it seems that the same party in power, the PAN stirring animosity and thins the political climate and spirit of the Federal Constitution in Article 130. The PAN is taking advantage of the heart to regain the lost political bonds gasolinazo last December, he feels that having the church as an ally, it may encourage the illegal votes of blue-white. I think even the PRI has examined this subject and even being neglected, because for now is the time when the PRI and PRD must add each one by their side in order to become strong drawing enough votes to his opponents. The Interior Ministry has been tolerantly this insult to Mexican law, tort really should be cautioned to respect the Mexican to the international community. The Catholic Church, I feel that has always been the enemy of science and freedoms, it is the institution of dual language, it is said moral practice when in fact it does not and if you do not believe, you see the constant cases of child molestation by ministers of the Catholic Church or as the case of four priests who were engaged poblanos officiate mass when they were women and children, immorality and double standards when the religious marriage is said that "what God binds no man can ever asunder "and then what happened to Martha Sahagun?, or what would happen if we spoke of narcolimosnas, nod as cardinal when he committed the murder of Cardinal Posadas Ocampo or as in Chiapas with Zapatista Army and its relationship with the Catholic Church ponytail. I believe that the state, if something interests you regain the little credibility, must begin to bring order to support the law and not for someone, make our laws are satisfied for the people are watching from outside, clear, quiet but expectant of what is happening and if it will cost votes and votes that will be losing mass, it is not valid in one hand, the violation of the laws have already cost more than 26 people dead and another violation of the law , are attacked or you want to fight freedom. Miscelanea Chispero IN POLITICAL DO NOT DRAIN THE RAIN .- So you can see signs that were placed from the twelfth to the ninth north up to the stadium suspect. It turns out that local residents and put their old cars on the streets and avenues, arguing that they will not permit the commencement of storm drain work that the state government intends to start with the purpose of making more adequate flow of rainwater that are accentuated when heavy rains generated by that area of the state capital. The problem is that people already have an unwelcome experience of what happened in the ninth south to the height of the colonies Caminera, Welfare, Santa Ana, Mexican and others, where nearly two years ago that began the work storm drain, not yet finished, the results were disastrous, as many businesses stopped operating for nearly a year, losses were still substantial and recent in place, the highway has not been completely resolved and that makes citizenship is put on alert, but we must clarify that it is not that people are against it works against the delay that the construction companies who really seem to enjoy all the sympathies of the government or were from the government because they do what they want. INCREASE THE COST OF SCHOOL TRANSPORT .- Messrs. school bus owners as announced in the coming days there will be an increase of 10 percent over the cost of fees that had been applying, because they are provided with the price they suffered fuels. So water goes without saying and with the complicity of the authorities themselves and their increase was valued at the discretion and without regard himself. Joke of Marranos. He was a man by feeding his pigs when another man appears well groomed and asks: - Do you that you feed your pigs? and the other responds: - Me? Rubbish and waste all that we encounter. This answers the man fixed: - Does it seem to you pretty? 10,000 fine because I am health inspector. The next day another man also appears well groomed and asks: - Do you that you feed your pigs? And he answers: . I? Maybe that is as smoked salmon, shrimp, ... And the man responds fixed: - Do you think you nice with the children who are starving and your delicacies giving their pigs? For 3,000 fine because I am from UNICEF The next day another man comes and asks him the same and this fits the owner of the pigs: "Well, you look 30 and I give them to buy whatever they want Then we chat in the next edition. angelcarrillob@hotmail.com mail to mourn and curses.

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