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Posted on : 14:19 | By : Unknown

HUMANITARIAN AID GOES TO WASTE There is no denying that the solidarity aid to the fraternal peoples to natural disasters, for Mexicans it became a culture and not just because everyone likes it but because we have repeatedly been victims of nature as the earthquake of 85 in the Mexico City or as Hurricane Stan that broke more than 18 coastal and border towns. In Chiapas has been installed at a support center for Haitians who are in massive misfortune (although they always misery misfortune but the tremor's finished). The fact is that many people are answering the call for help that makes those in distress and are making their contributions, small or large but the case is there. Here, as always the proverb wisely states that many go to the penalty and others to the scavenging, the angle must be careful, because they have had reports that some Vival are coming to the neighborhoods to seek humanitarian aid, supposedly for Haitians, which is totally false, since it is known, the State government commissioned one of his people to collect home support. But amid all this cronies, almost in the collection and distribution to those affected, a lot of this aid is turned into nothing. People working in government, I confirmed that during the misery caused by Stan thousands of people, holds more than two humanitarian aid arrived from other states to help the people of Chiapas in disgrace, were thrown in the trash, because the authorities Pablo Salazar, refused to take food to the damaged area, preferring Soyal man, throw that expires to give to help men in distress, because maybe now, many understand because even the money for reconstruction would took them off to cover election campaign proselytizing of some current rulers. MEXICO IS A COUNTRY THAT RAISES TAXES MISERIAS: PANista Recently, the coordinator of the PRI caucus in the Senate, Manliosaurio (sorry, he said, Manlio Fabio) Beltrones made a way to approach tax proposal that was homogenized in a 12 percent tax on all products , when asked what the leader of the PAN senators Gustavo Madero, reads "Mexico is the country where there is less revenue and where you pay less tax. The truth is that in Mexico, officials should first learn how to collect taxes, be treated with courtesy and decency to which we pay our taxes promptly and timely, as most of us who fleece us our money via taxes, we none, treated as vassals of the king. Second, legislators, as they are good for declaring should learn to sweep with the same brush, as in Mexico, there are businessmen first and up to category 20, inside those, the most senior are the most taxes and charge them the privileged are not paying a single dollar but even they must leave the treasury, as in the case of television monopolies in Mexico who through their respective foundations, unload huge amounts of millions calling via rounding contributions , boat and other forms and that's how those taxes are paid by the television people and not them, of course that is legal in Mexico but should have imposed so many regulations that are leaking and the deputies and senators know and they know very well, however they do or say anything about it. How about SIX THOUSAND MP FOR SCHOOLS AND ROADS They are 6 billion pesos that the National Institute of Geography and Informatics (INEGI) devoted solely to conduct the census of population and housing this year. The census, as announced, will begin from 31 May and end on June 25 date that will move tens of thousands across the country, making the census takers. Here the detail is: It is no secret of the population and housing censuses, are completely unreliable because most census takers and have defined an area and a time to do their work and if it takes, obviously have problems, so many, from the comfort of their rooms or they see even a canteen filled with superfluous data that are developed no reliable statistics in the end we yield data as opposed to those actually observed at the , so here it is what that "what you see is not judged." Then the INEGI said that we have 9 million poor in the extreme and going to areas where there is that these 9000000, I miss you a zero, that is, 90.000000, so most do not match the accounts and these data are really that receives government officials to throw their spent flowers and speeches themselves are po9r spout that half the attention or they put a note be journalism when reporters we strive for it. Six thousand dollars is really a good wool, I think that should be used on something more productive and leave a little less excellent recruiting census takers, or if they are social service providers who are used for this purpose. OUR joke to feminists Will a man on the beach with his wife, and she asks him to buy a bikini, what he says: With that body of washer or think. Keep walking and insists women ... Well buy me that dress, and repeat the husband's body with the washer or think. Spend the day and at night in bed the husband tells the wife: "Then we started old washing machine? and the woman tells that damn rag to wash it by hand better Well, then we chateamos because there say that the less blabla, less commercial breaks can be given.

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