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Posted on : 15:53 | By : Unknown

Prevent gringos do not use drugs, NOS costs lives and money The hundreds or perhaps thousands of tons of drugs of all types that Mexico spends on all tracks, costs and cost the nation hundreds of thousands of deaths among soldiers, policemen, suspected traffickers and totally innocent people who had the bad fortune of being in the wrong place and time. The fight against trafficking and non-combat drug use, nothing will really matter, since it is known beforehand that the drug trade, the majority is by air and water in areas totally free in Mexico, not even its territory is racking but everything is done for space and water free to drive, but not into Mexican territory to American space where there is a very strong demand, a frightening level of consumption of which is worth examining two aspects which are: movement of drugs in the USA. Many question the authorities of the neighboring country of drug trafficking in Mexico and it is good to note that it may have been drug trafficking, but that before coming to our country through other south and central America, which are neither accurate nor only Mexicans who conducted the traffic but there is within those networks, of all nationalities and only Americans who are involved in the business, Americans are not even mentioned, and unless they are fought and it is almost possible to be those dark and "honorable" characters who do all the traffic, drug distribution within the American union. It would be fair to ask, who distributes the drug in the U.S.?, Because I do not think for themselves get into the hands of consumers and it is they who come to buy in the United States-Mexico border. It's not fair that Mexico put the thousands upon thousands of dead Americans to prevent pernicious and vicious in exchange for the blood of our compatriots are intended to prevent the product from reaching them. Although it was once the president of Mexico said: "if they no longer sell drugs in America, to reduce or stop using drugs and failing to demand, there is no product." It is totally strange and even suspicious that the American Union is not spoken of the existence of drug traffickers and is not credible that they are Mexicans or other nationals are those who distribute all the drugs to consumers. Or is it that there are already distributors online? The fact is that Mexico really has serious national security problems and not because it is a country of consumers, not producers, but as a country that I touch located near where the potential consumers and that makes us appear as a country center of controversy. What happened in Zarca Water, Municipality of Santa Ana Huixtan in the department of Huehuetenango, opens a panorama that Central American countries is full of drug dealers and many high level so it's not fair that Mexicans have to bear the dead, with the bad reputation and dishonorable way misfortunes that are the product of efforts to make the Americans or Americans have the highest rate, globally speaking consumers. STILL A FAILURE OF INTELLIGENCE GROUPS IN MEXICO In all honesty, intelligence groups that the current regime has Calderonista could be accused and described as a resounding failure, if such an error would be significant to clarify and highlight it. I understand that national security has been allocated an excellent budget, maybe a little higher than was allocated for education. Not being prepared with some professionalism or may not want to do their job well as it could be suspected that organized crime has reached such spaces and to be commodified, intelligence work to be done was completely overrun. The research groups, they cost a commendable budget in order to buy, hold and maintain contacts within the criminal groups also inside information to buy and reliable; within the intelligence groups now called, must have the key determinants capable of provoking a reaction against intelligence and a rebellion within the same members of organized crime, which has seen very few in organized crime in Mexico, although not think it was counter-intelligence groups which have caused but a product of the struggle for space and is almost possible to be government strategies to avoid this responsibility is demanding that the civil society and governments of other countries mainly in North America. So in Mexico, large police investigators who could run a great display of counterintelligence that could surely make many troubles to the government of Felipe Calderón, a time when organized crime is attacking the civilian population and especially young people in their desire to show his superior organizational strength, perhaps, which has the federal government in a matter of intelligence. CYBER SCHOOL ENTRIES In coming years, schools in Chiapas, registrations will no longer be the old way of doing long and tedious wait queues especially at universities, it is designed to make electronic form, ie, schools will be supported in cybernetics, thus downgraded the suffering and distress of thousands of parents every six months or year schools prowl in search of a card for their offspring to enter public schools this action which has caused the chips and admission to public universities to become a negociazo educational authorities and teachers themselves, especially universities and space in schools of Medicine and Law. In fact, the College of Bachelors of Chiapas has already begun this process of modernization which, of course, has its negative implications because you can not apply it in schools located in places where there are fewer computers and telephone network that feeds the Web, for in those places where not even a phone there, it still uses the old method, that of the table and paper to record students seeking admission to medical education classrooms as is the College of Bachelors that gives entry to almost three lots of young people at that level. THE JOKE HEMBRISTA, or is contrary to machismo The subtlety of the MEXICAN Va a beautiful woman walking down the street and a guy saying insistently follows: - "Mommy, you go with?, Come on Mommy, am I going with you?," Mommy let's go together?! Then the girl replied: - 'Look, you can not, you and I took different paths ...' - Why? - Says the guy -- - 'Because I go to the supermarket and you're going to fuck your mother' (The subtlety of Women.) Tomorrow, we will be chatting if nothing else happens.

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