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Posted on : 15:14 | By : Unknown

MIGUEL ANGEL CARRILLO BARRIOS. BEGINS TO PAN government to borrow REENDEUDAR TO MEXICO With some sadness we see governments of Mexico because of his extravagance, squandering and waste of resources that are detrimental to the public finances of the federation, when they see no longer afford to be luxuries of kings, very easily make loans to foreign countries increasingly mortgaging the country, its natural resources and hence their independence. The note reads management yesterday "The Mexican government signed today with the French Development Agency for a loan of 185 million euros to support the policy environment and combat climate change." As is normal practice of all governments, whether the color and ideology, will always endorse him socialize with large debts to us the poor and the rich and politicians in power, that the end of all are the same, they share the profits. It appears that Calderón you forgot that January of 1862 when French troops desecrated Mexican soil and gives the battle of Cerro de Loreto in Puebla and owe everything to France some stinky cakes and as things stand today, we would not expect anything well, since these rich countries do not give way without sandals, but finances say "credit is a variable rate with a repayment term of 20 years. Finance reported that the loan is covered by the authorized debt ceiling for 2010 "benevolent say it is" green credit "which will be able to meet its environmental policy and fighting climate change. As always, we pay the brunt of the heavy air pollution are the rich and industrialized countries and in ours. We have for example that soft drink companies like Coca-Cola, Pepsi and others, as well as companies like Nestle, automotive, mining pollution criminals do every day and not at home and not his but that of others, under offering status jobs, many of them quite poorly paid and working conditions quite favorable. So there is no other, we always continue to be garbage in industrialized countries, especially the American and Europeans, who have tired them contaminating the Asian countries like China and Africa, where grinding poverty and a immense environmental pollution. And you've wondered what happened to COCHI FLU? Almost a year ago, we started to plot the tango or hot dog that the "swine influenza" as originally met him and praised him and then scientifically dubbed A H1N1. Well into the month of May and those who followed the great and armed himself because he was the Mexican government who was commissioned to mount the stage to the world that Mexicans smelled like pig shit and to make matters worse, so much so that during a football match that took place between teams from Mexico and El Salvador, in that country, the men who released a pig at full stadium, is used to make fun of us Haitians turned us down a ship full of food going to help that country considered the poorest in Latin America, Asians do not let passengers get off and go Mexican, Cuban and even fewer South American countries. There was a scandal or as my grandfather said "it became a fart thunder" and each cabron who was dying for a simple common pneumonia worldwide, in Mexico and was magnified by his people, and by his government and now by the medical beggars also enlarged the breeding ground. As such, according to statistics, more were dying of diarrhea, influenza and in the XXI century came to think that was the disease that lead to the catastrophe to the world. And now who the hell is there?, None, they can now sneezing in the face of another and no problem, people coughing up some normalcy and no authority is calling you to go for you by a doctor, precautionary measures are eliminated, no more, the antibacterial gel gastadera, ie that no one cares, no more psychosis, no more anxious and bogus calls from municipal, state and federal governments, and it seems that nobody gets sick, but while they are pears are perones, the government spent hundreds of billions of dollars to supposedly buy millions of vaccines, according to some doctors, are more harmful than smallpox itself. Sadly, it was said from the beginning it was a ruse by the Federal Government to lift many pharmaceutical companies that were about to declare bankruptcy and legal technique, as always, to encourage friends millionaire millionaires who financed with amounts election campaigns of apre4ndiz corrupt politician as there is. MARIA ELENA AND FAT BY PREUCUPACION Despite what is said at present being fat, is to be ugly to be a reed they tell you that seems to sweep or is bulimic or anorexic, but fashion sanctions that should be thin and point. I've always said that we Mexicans have called a disgrace eating disorder. We Mexicans do not we eat, we just filled and when food is tasty and we are hungry, eat until you are like belly Chuchito ranch, said my grandmother. Another major problem is that we eat and eat but not hungry, and most often consume food or drink by a simple delight or gluttony, we mostly do not know how many calories we consume and unfortunately often Dinner was late at night to finish after lunch or dinner, bedtime and by the way, there is an eating disorder eat too many sweets, starches, carbohydrates and any candy containing fats of any kind that makes our body is unable to consume those calories or fat and top it off, each to consume fats, our liquids are too icy bodies that are impassive to dissolve greasy quite easily. Another major problem is that very few have and exercise habits of way, municipal and state governments privatized spaces for practice, as it is in the INDEJ Tuxtla Gutierrez and others, where only the privileged come of directors in shift. So I just mention one of the very serious problems that originate or spread of obesity are those already described. Unfortunately governments know it, not ignore it but overlook their obligations tics respected, the Mexican government should make education compulsory and food in kindergartens and primary schools and start from there to avoid junk trinkets that are more expensive than nutritious but of course, is a burden to deal with transnational as Sabritas and bimbo and others as having to avoid the Coke and its derivatives, since these companies are left to the directors of various and all school campuses, dividends jugosísimos not distributed or declare, therefore, nothing is said or will say, are items that nourish and bloat the pockets of those who hold positions of power. My dear Senator, the truth is that I prefer to start a nutrition education campaign, as I always do with my students, who is from the teachers we must begin, because as the government is not interested in health people, all teachers must do a great campaign and no matter what the government does not have to tell us more than a beggar 4 percent pay raise as a reward. JOKES FOR LUCUASEZ. In a madhouse, a couple of doctors are being tested for mad to see if any of them had improved. So I painted a door on the wall and constraints: "Go and open it". "All the cranks immediately got up to open, only one remained seated. Doctors saw this, they said to them: "Look, think it was composed, we will see." They move toward the lone madman: "Why do not you get up, like your other companions, to open the door?" "It's just that I bring the key," he replies, smiling mischievously. Well, then we chat in the next edition.

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