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Posted on : 14:52 | By : Unknown

FIELD WORKERS AND DOMESTIC UNDER YOUR LUCK. Perhaps you dear reader ever wondered, what with the labor rights of farmworkers and maids? For in Chiapas there is at least close to a million and half of farm workers who work for life on coffee plantations, banana plantations, cattle ranches, above all, although federal law of Agrarian Reform granted certain rights, are similar, with the consent veiled labor inspectors and others by direct instructions from senior officials, never satisfied with what the Federal law, the sad thing is that many of those who spout the law, are precisely the same rulers who are both regional chieftains. The maids, including whether any rights are unprotected, they are not entitled to almost nothing, it's the maids are not even mentioned for good in the Act, in total contradiction to gender equity and are precisely the same politicians and officials which sometimes have up to five at home doing chores. It is estimated that each worker in the field, only one in 10 receives a piscacha, established under the Act as bonuses, the rest do not even remember them talking about Social Security for men's field is a dream or project offered the revolution 100 years ago and still they have not been fulfilled, mentioning for the men's field suffered profit sharing is like offering to take a trip to the moon on these rights, the IMSS and less SHCP become accomplices. As a lawyer I have had lots of advice to farmers who have been driven from their jobs after 20 or more years of service in the huts of the prominent farmers of Chiapas, particularly in the region and specifically Frailescana ranches of former congressman Federal Germain Jimenez Gomez. For maids or men's field, the laws are made to be grotesquely punished but not to benefit, the law for those sectors of the population, the law is the second whip that scourges as the former is the one that printed the pattern to make of them, a gold mine of which exclude their wealth in return for the exploitation and misery that give workers for their fruitful work force. Workers on appointment, are completely defenseless in legal in the workplace, no one remembers them except during elections. To make matters worse the workers' legal descobijo, PAN legislators yesterday proposed a labor reform that seek to "eliminate collective bargaining and eliminate the security, stability and permanence of employment, which goes against the constitutional provision guaranteeing the right social ". The chunk swallowed his OWN WORDS Unbelievable but true. Says a note from El Universal that the congressman Ariel Gomez Leon went to the National Council to Prevent Discrimination (CONAPRED) to sign the settlement agreement, arising from the complaint office that was opened by his statements against the Haitian community . Of course this was derived from a claim as they did the Haitians have said "black." I think in real terms to Chunc what time he was convicted was not so much for saying things by their name. For example, the Americans are saying "mecos" guerejo, Asians would say yellow, the Europeans could tell mermejos, Africans tell us and tell us black coffee or dwarfs and Luciano Ferro said that Mexican women were bearded women with mustaches or I miss an occasional Mexican who said the French were hairy, referring to never shave the axillary hair. Anyway, the "Somatom" who handed the chunk, which did set foot on earth and who knows the principles of humility, all the villains and the arrogant, often need someone to make us put their feet on earth and the chunk already clamoring. He swallowed his words and mediocrity did fall victim to himself, had a terrible fear of running out of the deputy carguito and not by the luxury of being but for their juicy salary and be able to generate federal legislature, although view of many federal deputies, back in San Lazaro, no one approaches him, it seems that smells like shit, they are embarrassed to be a friend of Chunc once famous, now it's not green or yellow but a pure gray, now it simply has the Miscelanea spots of colors that are smeared. However, their protector still continues to love and certainly not what unites them is indivisible and neutrons and electrons. CHISTES infidels. Ten people end up in heaven, the angel tells them to turn: Those who were unfaithful to his wife to take a step forward ... 9 are a step forward, Angel says: Come on, The deaf too!! Remember you can also read us or www.ferfilfronterizo.net chisperopolitico.blogspot.com. We chateamos.

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